PDFView4NET WPF Edition
PDFJavaScriptAction Class Members
Properties  Methods 

O2S.Components.PDFView4NET.Actions Namespace : PDFJavaScriptAction Class

The following tables list the members exposed by PDFJavaScriptAction.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorInitializes a new PDFJavaScriptAction object.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyGets the child actions for this object. (Inherited from O2S.Components.PDFView4NET.Actions.PDFAction)
Public PropertyGets or sets the javascript code to be executed when this action is executed.  
Public PropertyGets the action type. (Inherited from PDFAction)
Public Methods
Public MethodGets the value of the specified key. (Inherited from O2S.Components.PDFView4NET.Actions.PDFAction)
See Also


PDFJavaScriptAction Class
O2S.Components.PDFView4NET.Actions Namespace