PDFView4NET WPF Edition

PDFView4NET is a .NET toolkit for adding PDF render and print support in WPF applications. It includes a PDF viewer control for WPF and a .NET library for rendering and printing PDF files from any WPF application. The PDF viewer control for WPF includes support for annotating PDF files, bookmarks navigation, adding and removing file attachments and other features. The toolkit includes its own PDF rendering engine and it does not rely on any other software for rendering and printing PDF files. PDFView4NET toolkit has been developed entirely in C#, being 100% managed code.

The main features of PDFView4NET toolkit are outlined below.

PDF Rendering
Support for .NET Framework 4.x & .NET Core 3.x Yes
Load documents from file and stream Yes
Support for encrypted files, both RC4 40/128bit and AES 128bit are supported Yes
Render PDF files to Bmp, Gif, Jpeg, Png or Tiff Yes
Render content based on layer visibility Yes
Filters and compression
FlateDecode Yes
LZWDecode Yes
ASCII85Decode Yes
ASCIIHexDecode Yes
DCTDecode Yes
CCITTFaxDecode Yes
JPXDecode Yes
JBIG2Decode Yes
Inline images Yes
Soft masks, image masks and chroma key masks Yes
Standard PDF fonts Yes
Embedded fonts Yes
CID-keyed fonts Yes
TrueType Yes
Type 1 (CFF and Postscript) Yes
Device colorspaces: RGB, CMYK and Gray Yes
Calibrated colorspaces: CalRGB, CalGray, Lab and ICC Yes
Separation Yes
DeviceN Yes
Indexed Yes
Print PDF files to any Windows printer Yes
Print page content and/or annotations and/or form fields Yes
Auto-rotate and center Yes
Print custom page range Yes
Multiple print scaling options Yes
Print multiples pages per sheet (2-up, 4-up, n-up) Yes
Print custom content under and on top of printed PDF page Yes
PDF View controls
All PDF rendering features Yes
Support for .NET Framework 4.x & .NET Core 3.x WPF Yes
Load documents from file and stream Yes
Support for encrypted files (load and save), both RC4 40/128bit and AES 128bit are supported Yes
Zoom (absolute, fit width, fit height, zoom in, zoom out, dynamic zoom, marquee zoom) Yes
Pan Yes
Rotate pages Yes
PDFBookmarksView control for displaying bookmarks and navigating within the document Yes
Single page, one column and two columns page display layouts
Display all annotations Yes
Standard and owner draw annotation tooltips Yes
Add/Edit text, free text, ellipse, file attachment, ink, line, rectangle, stamp, link, highlight, underline and strikeout annotations Yes
Create text and stamp annotations with custom appearance Yes
Annotation tooltips Yes
Delete any annotation Yes
PDF forms
User interactive form design Yes
Add, edit and remove form fields Yes
Create and fill forms from code Yes
Pushbutton, checkbox, radiobutton, dropdown list and listbox fields Yes
Field tooltips Yes
User interactive form filling Yes
Save filled forms Yes
Extract page text Yes
Select text Yes
Search text and highllight search results Yes
Document attachments
Add/Edit/Delete file attachments Yes
PDFFileAttachmentsView control for displaying all the attachments in a document (similar to Adobe Acrobat) Yes
Design-time support
Visual Studio .NET 2017/2019 WPF designer Yes
Package content
PDFView4NET controls for WPF Yes
PDFRender4NET class library for .NET Yes
PDF rendering library licensed for WPF and console applications, windows services, ASP.NET applications and web services Yes
Integrated help system Yes
Per developer licensing Yes
Royalty free distribution Yes