Class | Description | |
AfterAnnotationAddEventArgs | Defines the parameters for the PDFPageView.AfterAnnotationAdd event. | |
AfterAnnotationMoveEventArgs | Defines the parameters for the PDFPageView.AfterAnnotationMove event. | |
AfterAnnotationResizeEventArgs | Defines the parameters for the PDFPageView.AfterAnnotationResize event. | |
AfterFieldAddEventArgs | Defines the parameters for the PDFPageView.AfterFieldAdd event. | |
AfterLinkExecuteEventArgs | Defines the parameters for the PDFPageView.AfterLinkExecute event. | |
AfterPageReorderEventArgs | Defines the event args for PDFPageThumbnailView.AfterPageReorder event. | |
AfterTextSelectEventArgs | Defines the parameters for the PDFPageView.AfterTextSelect event. | |
AnnotationClickEventArgs | Defines the parameters for the PDFPageView.AnnotationClick and PDFPageView.AnnotationDoubleClick events. | |
AnnotationContextMenuEventArgs | Defines the parameters for the PDFPageView.AnnotationContextMenu event. | |
AnnotationToolTipDrawEventArgs | Defines the parameters for the PDFPageView.AnnotationToolTipDraw event. | |
AnnotationToolTipPopupEventArgs | Defines the parameters for the PDFPageView.AnnotationToolTipPopup event. | |
BeforeAnnotationAddEventArgs | Defines the parameters for the PDFPageView.BeforeAnnotationAdd event. | |
BeforeFieldAddEventArgs | Defines the parameters for the PDFPageView.BeforeFieldAdd event. | |
BeforeLinkExecuteEventArgs | Defines the parameters for the PDFPageView.BeforeLinkExecute event. | |
BeforePageReorderEventArgs | Defines the event args for PDFPageThumbnailView.BeforePageReorder event. | |
BookmarkClickEventArgs | Defines the parameters for the PDFBookmarksView.BookmarkClick and PDFBookmarksView.BookmarkDoubleClick events. | |
BookmarkEventArgs | Defines the parameters for the PDFDocument.BookmarkAdded and PDFDocument.BookmarkRemoved events. | |
DisplayRectangle | Defines a rectangle in display coordinates, relative to top left corner of the page. | |
FieldClickEventArgs | Defines the parameters for the PDFPageView.FieldClick event. | |
FieldContextMenuEventArgs | Defines the parameters for the PDFPageView.FieldContextMenu event. | |
FieldEditEventArgs | Defines the parameters for the PDFPageView.FieldBeginEdit and PDFPageView.FieldEndEdit event. | |
FieldValidateEventArgs | Defines the parameters for the PDFPageView.FieldValidate event. | |
InvalidDocumentException | Defines the exception thrown when the PDF file is not valid. | |
InvalidPasswordException | Defines the exception thrown when the password for opening the PDF file is not valid. | |
ObfuscationAttribute | ||
PageClickEventArgs | Defines the parameters for the PDFPageView.PageClick and PDFPageView.PageDoubleClick events. | |
PageContextMenuEventArgs | Defines the parameters for the page context menu event. | |
PageRenderingErrorEventArgs | Defines the arguments for page rendering error event. | |
PasswordRequiredEventArgs | Event arguments for PasswordRequired event. | |
PDFAnnotationsView | Defines a viewer for the annotations in a PDF file. | |
PDFAnnotationsViewCollection | Defines a collection of PDFAnnotationsView objects representing the viewers for a document's annotations. | |
PDFAnnotationToolTip | Defines the way how tooltips are displayed for annotations. | |
PDFBookmark | Defines a bookmark in a PDF file. | |
PDFBookmarkCollection | Defines a collection of bookmarks. | |
PDFBookmarksView | Defines a viewer for the bookmarks in a PDF file. | |
PDFBookmarksViewCollection | Defines a collection of PDFBookmarksView objects representing the viewers for a document's bookmarks. | |
PDFCollection<T,K> | Defines a collection that fires notifications when it changes or when an item in the collection changes its properties. | |
PDFCollectionChangedEventArgs<T> | Defines the event arguments for the collection changed event. | |
PDFDestination | Defines the base class for PDF destinations. | |
PDFDigitalSignature | Defines a digital signature used for signing a PDF file. | |
PDFDirectDestination | Defines the base class direct PDF destinations. | |
PDFDocument | Defines a PDF document. | |
PDFDocumentInformation | Provides access to document metadata. | |
PDFException | Defines a generic PDF exception. | |
PDFFileAttachment | Defines a file attachment embedded in the PDF file. | |
PDFFileAttachmentCollection | Defines a collection of file attachments. | |
PDFFileAttachmentsView | Defines a viewer for the bookmarks in a PDF file. | |
PDFFileAttachmentsViewCollection | Defines a collection of PDFFileAttachmentsView objects representing the viewers for a document's file attachments. | |
PDFGraphicsContainer | Defines an abstract object that can store graphic content. | |
PDFMatrix | Defines a tranformation matrix in the PDF content stream. | |
PDFNamedDestination | Defines a named PDF destination. | |
PDFNamedDestinationCollection | Defines a collection of named destinations. | |
PDFPage | Defines a PDF page. | |
PDFPageCollection | Defines a collection of PDF pages. | |
PDFPageDestination | Defines a destination to a page within the current document. | |
PDFPageThumbnailView | Defines a viewer for page thumbnails. | |
PDFPageThumbnailViewCollection | Defines a collection of PDFPageThumbnailViewCollection objects representing the viewers for a document's pages. | |
PDFPageView | Defines a viewer for a PDF page. | |
PDFPageViewCollection | Defines a collection of PDFPageView2Collection objects representing the viewers for a document's pages. | |
PDFPoint | Represents a pair of doubleing point x- and y-coordinates that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane. | |
PDFRectangle | Defines a rectangle in PDF default coordinates, where the origin of the coordinate system is located in the bottom left corner of the page. | |
PDFRemotePageDestination | Defines a destination to a page in another PDF document. | |
PDFSecurityManager | Manages the security settings for a pdf document. | |
PDFSize | Stores an ordered pair of floating-point numbers, typically the width and height of a rectangle. | |
PDFViewerPreferences | Defines the way the PDF document is displayed on the screen. | |
PDFXMPMetadata | Defines the XMP metadata for a PDF document. | |
UnsupportedEncryptionException | Defines the exceptions thrown when the PDF file is encrypted with an unknown encryption method. |