PDFView4NET WinForms Edition
PDFCheckBoxField Class Members
Properties  Methods 

O2S.Components.PDFView4NET.Forms Namespace : PDFCheckBoxField Class

The following tables list the members exposed by PDFCheckBoxField.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorInitializes a new PDFCheckBoxField object.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyGets or sets the JavaScript action to be executed for calculating the field value. (Inherited from O2S.Components.PDFView4NET.Forms.PDFField)
Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the checkbox is checked or not.  
Public PropertyGets the form that contains this field. (Inherited from O2S.Components.PDFView4NET.Forms.PDFField)
Public PropertyGets or sets the JavaScript action to be executed for formating the field value. (Inherited from O2S.Components.PDFView4NET.Forms.PDFField)
Public PropertyGets or sets the JavaScript action to be executed when the user types a keystroke. (Inherited from O2S.Components.PDFView4NET.Forms.PDFField)
Public PropertyGets or sets the mapping name of the field. (Inherited from O2S.Components.PDFView4NET.Forms.PDFField)
Public PropertyGets or sets the field name. (Inherited from O2S.Components.PDFView4NET.Forms.PDFField)
Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the field can be exported or not. (Inherited from O2S.Components.PDFView4NET.Forms.PDFField)
Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the field is read-only. (Inherited from O2S.Components.PDFView4NET.Forms.PDFField)
Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the field is required. (Inherited from O2S.Components.PDFView4NET.Forms.PDFField)
Public PropertyGets or sets the field tooltip. (Inherited from O2S.Components.PDFView4NET.Forms.PDFField)
Public PropertyGets the field type. (Inherited from O2S.Components.PDFView4NET.Forms.PDFField)
Public PropertyGets or sets the JavaScript action to be executed for validating the field value. (Inherited from O2S.Components.PDFView4NET.Forms.PDFField)
Public PropertyGets or sets the field value. (Inherited from O2S.Components.PDFView4NET.Forms.PDFField)
Public PropertyGets the list of widgets associated with this field. (Inherited from O2S.Components.PDFView4NET.Forms.PDFField)
Public Methods
Public MethodDisposes the internal resources. (Inherited from O2S.Components.PDFView4NET.Forms.PDFField)
See Also


PDFCheckBoxField Class
O2S.Components.PDFView4NET.Forms Namespace