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Follow the links below to download evaluation software from our server. Registered users will receive priority technical support and free software updates. Users of evaluation version will receive e-mail support during their evaluation period.
The evaluation version of PDFView4NET toolkit is fully functional and ithas the same features like the commercial version but it displays a TRIAL message displayed and printed pages.

NOTE: There might be PDF files that will not be displayed or printed correctly. Feel free to send us any PDF file that is not handled correctly and we'll work on it.

The PDFView4NET library is available as nuget packages, 2 packages for each edition.

Evaluation nuget packages are available on nuget.org:

PDFView4NET Windows Forms Edition:
PDFRender4NET class library for .NET Framework and .NET Core: o2s.components.pdfrender4net.win.nupkg
PDFView4NET viewer controls for .NET Framework and .NET Core: o2s.components.pdfview4net.win.nupkg

PDFView4NET WPF Edition:
PDFRender4NET class library for .NET Framework and .NET Core: o2s.components.pdfrender4net.wpf.nupkg
PDFView4NET viewer controls for .NET Framework and .NET Core: o2s.components.pdfview4net.wpf.nupkg

You can also download the latest PDFView4NET installers here (what's new):

PDFView4NET 11.3.8 Windows Forms Edition: O2S.Components.PDFView4NET.Win.11.3.8.Evaluation.zip (what's included)

PDFView4NET 11.3.8 WPF Edition: O2S.Components.PDFView4NET.WPF.11.3.8.Evaluation.zip (what's included)

Latest available version is PDFView4NET 11.3.8 (released on 1 July 2024)

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